Aloha Kiva Kids

Kids Sharing Aloha Through Microlending

Sponsor a Kid

Click to download our flyer - Aloha Kiva Kids Aloha Kiva Kids is simply a team of individual lenders who pool their money  (as little as $25) to lend it out to entrepreneurs through Here are some ideas on how YOU can sponsor kids to empower others around the world through microlending.

Start Up Fund

Anyone (parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties, etc) can be the angel in a kid’s journey into social entrepreneurship and microfinancing by lending them their first start up fund of $25 (minimum loan set by If you or your kid have not been Kiva lenders, then go ahead and sign up to Kiva. Work with your kid(s) to decide among the global borrowers to receive the $25 loan; when borrowers repay it, you can re-lend it or withdraw it. We think kids will inspire each other to keep lending the money.

Reward Great Effort

The Aloha Kiva Kids is about motivating kids to work hard for what they earn. Reward your kid with a $25 loan or incentive gift for exceptional efforts at school, at home, in your community, church. Add that amount to their Kiva lending account so they can lend it.

Simplify for Good

Role model for our kids the joy of living simply. Consider giving up $25 worth of expensive unhealthy habits and lend that money to your kid’s lending account on Kiva. You can also join the next Aloha Kiva Kids multi-family garage sale so your kid learns to earn money to lend to others. Inspire your kid to simplify their lives by donating some of their used items  (clothes, toys, books, sports equipment, etc) to the Aloha Kiva Kids-sponsored rummage or garage sale. Funds raised by each kid goes to his/her individual lending account. Encourage your friends or neighbors to donate items for the garage sale. Sales from items that are donated items will be divided up equally among the kids or they can together vote on an entrepreneur to give those shared earnings.

Earning Power

Aloha Kiva Kids is about creating entrepreneurial activities for the kids to earn more money to lend.  Help create those work opportunities by donating items for our multi-family garage sales, bake sales, t-shirt designs, online store, book sale, Christmas card designs, etc. If you’re a business, consider funding a project for the Aloha Kiva Kids members to do. The money is divided up equally among those who work on the project.

Matching Fund

Aloha Kiva Kids members who earn money through the entrepreneurial activities have full control of their money to  keep or lend it through Kiva through their parents of course. Consider matching the amount that  your kid decides to lend through their Kiva lending account as an incentive to the kids to lend their money rather than spend it. That money can always be withdrawn at any time.
